Not gonna lie....I was a little bummed at my Kmart finds (double coupon days at Kmart this week; see link below). Don't get me wrong. I found a lot of free stuff, but I also paid more than I had planned. I still did not spend much but I am a bit of a snob now when it comes to spending money for things! :) I would just rather not spend it on boring stuff like mouthwash, etc...
Some of my store's prices were different than what was listed on the link I gave in my last blog. This was not a huge deal and was only off by $0.50 to $1, but it tends to add up when it happens on more than 5 items. If you go, make sure you keep a running tally so you will not be surprised at checkout.
My other disappointment was the selection. So many items were already wiped out. I was pretty excited when I found a Pantene hidden behind some other shampoos after having given up on finding any. It was free! And when I went to check out, this lady waiting in line was totally looking at it and coveting it. So funny!
Here are some of the highlights of my trip:
Dove Ultimate Deodorant on sale for $3.99 (x2)
I used an IP (Internet Printable) that I got from a link on Money Saving Mom for $2 off 1 making it free (I just printed off two coupons and was able to use both coupons)
*for those of you new to double coupons, let me explain. The coupon was for $2 off so doubled makes it $4 that gets taken off. Since the item was $3.99, I got it for free (I actually would have made a penny if they would allow money to be given back).
Oust Deodorizer on sale for 2 for $6
I used $2 off 1 from the 5/10/09 Smart Source insert making it free
Starbucks Frappuchino on sale for 2 for $4
I used $1 off 1 coupon from 6/21/09 Smart Source insert making it free
St. Ives Scrub for $3.69 (this price was higher than the price listed on link below)
I used $1.50 off 1 coupon from 5/10/09 Smart Source insert making it $0.69
Acts Mouthrinse for $4.59 (this price was higher than the price listed on the link below) (x2)
I used $2 off 1 from the 5/31/09 Smart Source insert making it $0.59 for each
Pantene (full and thick) on sale 3 for $10 ($3.33)
I used $2 off 1 coupon from the 7/05/09 Smart Source insert making it free
Dawn Dishwashing Soap not on sale but I really needed it - $1.99
I already had a manufacturer coupon for $o.25 off (I cannot remember which insert) and then found a tearpad next to soap for a Kmart coupon for $0.50 off 1(remember you can use both coupons since one is store and one is manufacturer); with doubling, I got the soap for $0.50!
*this one is a perfect example of paying attention and matching your needs with sales and coupons; I knew I needed it to make my homemade stain remover and I was able to get it for very little.
There were more but these were my highlights. For more deals and additional links go here. Overall, it was a success. I was just reminded yet again to plan well and to pay attention.
I did get some additional coupons at checkout that I had not planned on. I may not end up using them (they are great coupons; I am just out of budget for another Kmart trip before the coupons expire) so let me know if you plan to go and I will give them to you!
*I had read that you could only use 10 coupons per transaction after I went. Oops! So I went back and counted and I had used 13 and they doubled all.
Hey! I know that on Sundays there are tons of coupons in the newspaper, but where do you go to get one?